Mumbai’s Top SEO & PPC Agency

About The Brand

Autorounders is an automobile maintenance, modification, customization brand that deals in all kinds of paint job customization and modification of cars to suit and reflect the tastes and choices of the owner. The brand strives to provide the patrons with the right kind of inspection of their automobiles to get the right parts replaced and make them look and function as good as brand new.

The Challenge

The brand was experiencing a significant drop in the rankings and wanted to target keywords that had low search volumes but could benefit them greatly.

The Solution

We started off by tracing the SEO history of the brand by running a comprehensive website audit. We inferred out that the website’s ranking was affected because of having certain duplicate pages with little to no content. Because of this, the website was experiencing a high bounce rate. For this, we first focused on improving the traffic to existing pages. Next we looked at the keywords the brand’s competitors were targeting that the brand wasn’t and focused on building content on these.

We also opted to:
  • Strategize and execute changes to titles and metas
  • Monitor the impact of such changes
For Off-page SEO we adopted:
  • Search Engine Submissions
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Classified Ads
  • Image Submissions
  • Documents Sharing
  • Video Submissions
  • Article/Blog Submissions
  • Posts For Google My Business

The Impact

  • Keywords like ‘Innova Car Modification’, ‘Innova Customization’ ranked on number 1 whereas the keyword ‘Premium Car Service’ amongst others ranked in the top 5 positions on Google
  • In September 2019 the brand just had 4 keywords that ranked in top 10 pages in Google whereas in March 2020 with our efforts, the brand got 12 keywords ranking top 10 pages in Google
  • The monthly organic traffic increased from 872 in September 2019 to 2,602 in March 2020.

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